
Intuitive Creativity *Shadow*

Explore Your Unconscious Mind (Shadow) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Typically, we reject the parts of ourselves that were socially shamed in the past. We learn to dislike parts of ourselves, and then defensively project our Shadow onto others. Intuitive collage involves choosing images and words that have an emotional charge, so that you can see and heal your shadow.  Think ! Whats inside your shadow What makes you the most angry that others might do?? Judge or/and criticize me or other around them. Being super negative and unfriendly. Being bossy or controlling. What is most emotionally discomforting? S exuality anything involving the actions of being sexual. Self image is low. Worry so much that I cant enjoy sexual activities. What are some frequent negetive emotions? Not feeling good enough. Worry about being judged. The world is shit and most people are what make it shit. XD " Psychiatrist Carl Jung believed that the Shadow could provide profound insight about the missing pieces of our char

Inner Themes

Giving her the very best life for the rest of her days.  Sugar, the OG of my keekat family. 

Inviting Calm

One's suffering disappears when one lets oneself go, when one yields — even to sadness. ~Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry,  Southern Mail , 1929, translated from French by Curtis Cate

Healing Medicine: Spoken Visuals

mother earth, art, crafts, halloween,  my loves (kittys) & nostaliga

Climbing Higher

Something out of the ordinary! This is my interpretation of climbing higher.

Lesson 4: Healing the Lineage

" As you step to the front of the line in your ancestry, the energy they embodied has been passed on and is now expressing as you and those of your current generation in the lineage. As you transform, the energy of the entire lineage preceding you is transformed, for it is all happening now through you, as you. You are the one who can heal old wounds for your entire lineage, forgive old enemies, shift conditioning and beliefs, release pain that has held preceding generations captive for centuries. "  ~ Dr Judith Rich Healing the Lineage How does your photo evoke feelings from the past? Do any memories come up when you look at it? ~it brings a pressing smile of greater times, cherished momeries ill forever hold dear to my heart. laugh attacks are what conjures up within me when i look at this picture. just her laugh would 10x increase the laughter with everyone around her.  If you had to choose a book or movie title to describe your photo today, what would it be?  Book Ti

Lesson 3: Finding Confidence

"Pressing Emotional Pain" Finding & Capturing Beauty.  A rose bush in the center of our apartment complex. Light and shadow convey a mood.  What mood are the light and shadow expressing in your photo today? ~the grass is always greener on the other side. or/and wheres there darkness light shortly follows . What do you aspire to? What are you climbing towards?   ~being more connected to mother nature, what all I can do as one person to help perserve her beauty.