"Creativity arises from a constant churn of ideas, and one of the easiest ways to encourage that fertile froth is to keep your mind engaged with your project. When you work regularly, inspiration strikes regularly. Step by step, you make your way forward. That’s why practices such as daily writing exercises or keeping a daily blog can be so helpful. You see yourself do the work, which shows you that you can do the work. Progress is reassuring and inspiring; panic and then despair set in when you find yourself getting nothing done day after day. One of the painful ironies of work life is that the anxiety of procrastination often makes people even less likely to buckle down in the future." -
Gretchen Rubin
To get started, register and then download Homeschool SkedTrak (don't worry, it is free) to help assist you along your studies. ^^ If you'd like to keep an offline planner of studies, here are calender, weekly planner, master to do list, and lesson planner for you to print out!
The most critical model I incorporate into my educational blog is the use of cognitive behavior therapy. The practice of cognitive thinking allows you to handle and change negative emotions, conquer fears, and ultimately master emotional intelligence. It not only helps us gain control of the "irrational" part of the mind but allows us to explore ourselves in great depth while interacting within our communities. It is truly extraordinary science we have at our leisure! In order to successfully create goals, establish plans, and act on them, I believe its vital to learn a solid method capable of providing you all the information to use as reference to deal with social interactions & feelings there for of that might arise at any given time.
Linked with cognitive thinking is Emotional intelligence (click to start!) which describes the ability, capacity, skill, or self-perceived ability to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others, and of group.
You can gain more insight with these links:
Cognitive Restructuring & Emotional Literacy
These are proven to be worthy in many life's and especially in mine.
Self therapy via internet is also very effective, my advice is to start with Illume or Happify!
Maslow believed that man has a natural drive to healthiness, or self actualization. He believed that man has basic, (biological and psychological) needs that have to be fulfilled in order to be free enough to feel the desire for the higher levels of realization. He also believed that the organism has the natural, unconscious and innate capacity to seek its needs.(Maslow 1968)

Learning Styles: Learn Efficiently!
I've chosen to plan out assignments; weekly. It doesn't matter when I do them, just that I have all assignments completed by the end of the week. I am to fill out "What I've Learned" questionnaire to put in my portfolio to keep track of my progress. All of my weekly lesson plans will incorporate each of the three learning styles; kinesthetic, auditory, and visual.
Kinesthetic: use of your body, hands and sense of touch.
- Create a model
- Demonstrate a principle
- Practice a technique
- Participate in simulations
- Engage in hands-on activities
- Study in comfortable position, not necessarily sitting in a chair

Auditory: use of sound and music.
- Use audiotapes for learning languages
- Read textbooks aloud
- Repeat facts with eyes closed
- Ask questions
- Describe aloud what is to be remembered
- Use word association to remember facts and lines.
- Watch videos.
- Participate in group discussions.
- Listen to taped notes
- Record lectures & listen to them again
- Use audiotapes
- Avoid auditory distractions.

Visual: use of pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
- Write things down
- Jot down key points on post-it notes and display around the house
- Copy what's on the board
- Sit near the front of the classroom to see instructor clearly
- Write key words
- Create visual reminders of auditory info
- Use mind maps to summarize large tracts of information
- Take notes
- Make lists
- Watch videos
- Use flashcards
- Use highlighters, underlining, etc.
holistic: upholding that all aspects of people's needs, psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole.
Sample of cours Environmental Justice 101
Feb 23, 2018
I've recently been working on a course I feel very passionate about through OER Commons. I am focusing on using the style of learning I present in the beginning of this article. Mixing kinetic, auditory, and visual styles of learning. Check it out!
Sample of cours Environmental Justice 101