
I think it is such a beautiful thing to witness that moment of recognition and connection. When a client arrives at a place in their art where there is utter truth and complete bareness. When the compassion for pureness and innocence fills every corner of the room, and a tilt of the head conveys absolute resonance. “Here I am. I feel it, see it, sense it. “ When we arrive at this place, hanging out here requires tenderness, compassion, and tolerance for all that this experience evokes. So, yes, it is intense vulnerability for both therapist and client. Sometimes, finding the signposts or the door to vulnerable expression is not that easy. We have sentinels, deflectors, limiting beliefs, etc that mix up the signals and cause disorientation. So, I decided to try and use the art as a treasure map. And, taking one clue at a time, trust that it would guide the work into that place where creativity, change, and innovation happens. Usi...