Journalism Therapy: Inner Critic Series: Part 3 & 4

Part 3

INVESTIGATE: carry out research or study into (a subject, typically one in a scientific or academic field) so as to discover facts or information.

Step 1:Focus in on one particular branch/emotion.Create a new mindmap around the branch you decided to focus on and in a stream of consciousness way, elaborate on your investigation. We often shy away from digging deep as it may expose truths we are just too scared or too tired to address.  We tend to doubt ourselves.  Our abilities.  Our freedom to express openly.

But have fun with it.  Is there some kind of truth/lesson that comes up as you address that emotion that resulted from your Part 1 rant?  Is there something new to learn?

Part 4

CAUTERIZE: to burn the flesh with a caustic substance normally to help stop bleeding

Step 1: 
Sometimes the truth can hurt.  Sometimes pulling off the scab can reveal a wound we are not always ready to address.  So today- let’s slow down.  Let’s cauterize the wound.  Write, mindmap or draw out what this means to you.

Step 2:  
Pick an animal symbol (or totem) that resonates with you today.  Research it.  What lessons can you learn?  This is good brain gym.

Cat....Bet no one could had guessed this one. LOL...I kind of also felt the dung earth why..and does he even count? 
Ive made a decision since Im not really sure whcih animal resonates with me today...Il do a quiz.
Find Your Spirit Animal

Powers: Stealth, hunting ability, enhanced senses of smell and hearing, as well as strength and stamina
"Family comes first" could be a Wolf's motto. You form deep connections with close friends and family members, and they know you'd do anything to protect them. You're loyal, devoted, and passionate. Your worst fear is being alone, but be careful not to drown your loved ones in too much emotion.

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