Saturday, January 18, 2014

Journaling Therapy: Stream of Consciousness

This technique can be used any time and find it very helpful & interesting! 


Missing him. Mystery comes in mysterious ways. Cats life's are a bit crazy and unpredictable. Sounds at 3 am outside are interestingly ambient.Stream Of Consciousness...Random musings! I'm not even sure what the definition of musing is. Belittled. Surprisingly not feelings as lonely as I have been for the past few weeks. Feeling comfortable within myself which is a rarity. Rarities...The very thing I always seem to long for the most. Why is that I wonder? Frozen. I hate the cold weather and can not wait for the spring! I hope it comes sooner than later.Hopeful tat time will fly now til then. Might find someone I can spend my leisure time with. Emphasis on non-romantic time that is. I only long for my Malachi. Profound intimacy.

P.S. I am grateful to have Nacho cat sleep with me at night and I am especially grateful that my grandmother is still alive and kickin, I love her so very much. She doesn't even know!